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Опис документа  

Krupytska L., Kaprelyants L., Trufkati L., Velichko T., Kirilov V.
Technology of producing symbiotic biologically active additive

Вид документа:  Складова частина документа 
Мова:  Англійська  Обсяг:  P. 13-18 
УДК:  579.873.083.1:601.2 
Аннотацiя: The article presents data on the development of the technology of multicomponent probiotics from two bacterial strains: Bifidobacterium longum-Ya3 and Propionibacterium shermanii-4. The ability of bacteria of the genus Propionibacterium to have a selective stimulating effect on the growth of bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium has been characterised. Based on the experimental data obtained with the MATLAB software, optimal conditions were determined for the accumulation of the maximum amount of biomass of the consortium of Bifidobacterium longum-Ya3 and Propionibacterium shermanii-4. The main parameters that determined the yield of biomass in the process of cultivation under different temperature conditions (T=30°С, Т=34 °С, Т=37 °С) have been taken as the optimality criteria. These parameters are the number of colony-forming units and the active acidity. It has been established that the optimal time for cultivating a consortium of bifidobacteria and propionibacteria in a soy-lactose medium is 24 hours at a temperature of 34°C. On the basis of the data obtained, we have created a symbiotic BAA (biologically active additive) and developed a basic technological scheme for its production. The biologically active additive was created on the basis of the symbiotic consortium of bifido and propionibacteria containing 4 ? 1010 CFU/cm3 of B. longum-Ya3, and 3 ? 1010 CFU/cm3 of P. shermanii-4. The microbiological control of the quality of the obtained dietary supplement based on the consortium of the bacteria Bifidobacterium longum-Ya3 and Propionibacterium shermanii-4 has found no pathogenic and sanitary indicator microorganisms. It means that the finished product is safe and suitable for consumption. As for the organoleptic parameters, the BAA obtained is of a powder-like structure, beige-coloured, with a specific taste and smell.

Є складовою частиною документа Харчова наука і технологія [Текст] : щокв. наук.-теорет. журн. Одес. нац. акад. харч. Т.12. № 2, черв. — О. : Євротойз, 2018.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система