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Опис документа  

Niu Lichen
Research on economic component of dynamic mechanism of the formation of a family farm in China

Вид документа:  Складова частина документа 
Мова:  Англійська  Обсяг:  P. 131-136 
УДК:  332 
Аннотацiя: As a new type of agricultural management subject, the emergence of family farm has been widely concerned by academic circles. Under the background of industrialization and urbanization, the development of family farm is an important strategic measure to deal with the strategic issues related to the future development of agriculture and economic society, such as the agricultural part-time industry, rural hollowing out, and the aging of farmers. It is the key point of China's agricultural policy at present. Food security, farmers' income increase and agricultural development are the key to solve the three rural issues, and also an important guarantee for economic development and social stability. With the acceleration of the urbanization process, a large number of agricultural young and middle-aged labor force continue to flow to the city. On the one hand, it leads to the relative shortage and aging of agricultural labor force, and at the same time, the commodity demand for food is also increasing. The main function of most agricultural production of traditional small-scale farmers is self-sufficiency and low agricultural commodity.

Є складовою частиною документа Економіка та держава [Текст] : мiжнар. наук.-практ. журн. № 2, лют. — К. : ДКС центр, 2020.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система