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Опис документа  

Matsuki Y., bidyuk P. I.
Simulating the rotation of a black hole and antigravity

Вид документа:  Складова частина документа 
Мова:  Англійська  Обсяг:  P. 124-137 
УДК:  519.004.942 
Аннотацiя: In this article we show that rotation of a black hole can create antigravity and anti-gravitational waves, given that there is a strong gravity in the black hole, which distorts time and space. At first, we derived the curvature tensors upon Ein-stein’s field equation, using spherical polar coordinates, and then calculated the co-efficients of the curvature tensors to simulate the strength of each component of the tensors. It is assumed that the stress-energy tensor, which is located outside of the black hole, can reflect the strength of the gravitational field and the gravitational waves. As the result, we concluded that, if the time and space are distorted in the black hole, the rotation can create antigravity and the anti-gravitational waves. In addition, the result of the simulation shows that the antigravity positively contributes to the stress-energy tensor, which may expand the size of the Universe

Є складовою частиною документа Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології [Текст] = System research & information technologies : міжнар. наук.-техн. журнал. № 3 / ННК "Ін-т прикладного систем. аналізу" НТУУ "КПІ" МОН та НАН України. — Київ : ВПК "Політехніка", 2020.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система